Speaker's Details

Dr. Cristina Gonzalez-Fernandez

Biotechnological Processes for Energy Production IMDEA Energy, Madrid, Spain

She got the PhD degree in Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology at the University of Valladolid (2008). She carried out her doctoral thesis in the field of livestock wastes treatment for the removal of organic matter by means of mechanical and photosynthetical oxygenation on the liquid matrix and biogas production on the solid matrix. Previously to that, she worked at the Environmental Engineering Department in the University of Cincinnati (USA) where she also obtained a Master on Environmental Science (2005). During her PhD, she made a stay at Wageningen University (The Netherlands) to work on biogas production using lignocellulosic substrates.

After her PhD, she joined the technological Center ITACyL (Technological Institute of Agriculture of Castilla-León) where she continued working on lab and real-scale plants dealing with livestock effluent treatments. After that, she got a postdoc position at the Biotechnology Lab in the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (LBE-INRA, France) to work on the optimization of biogas production using microalgae. Nowadays, in the Unit of Biotechnological Processes of IMDEA Energy, her research is focused on advanced processes for biofuel production using microalgae as a substrate.

She is co-author of around 20 scientific publications and reviewer of international journals. Additionally, she has been involved in European and national funded research projects, as well as projects with private companies.