
Graphene Korea 2019 International Conference

Speaker's Details

Prof. Soon-Yong Kwon

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea

Soon-Yong Kwon is a Professor  in  the  School  of  Materials Science  and Engineering  at  Ulsan  National  Institute  of  Science  and  Technology  (UNIST),  Ulsan,  Korea from November2008.He received his B.S. (1999), M.S. (2001), and Ph. D. degrees (2005) in Materials Science  and Engineering from Seoul  National University. From  2005  to  2007,  he was  a  postdoctoral  associate  in  Department  of  Electrical  Engineering  at  Yale University. From  2007  to  2008,  he  was  a  postdoctoral  scholar  in  Department  of  Materials  Science  and Engineering at University  of California,  Los Angeles. From 2015 to 2016, he was a visiting scholar in Department of Physics at University of Washington. His research seeks to address outstanding  problems  in  semiconductor  science  and  technology.  To this  end  he  pursues investigations  in  the  areas  of  optoelectronic/photovoltaic materials,  2D  semiconductors,  and carbon nanomaterials. He is currently a board member of Korea Society of Optoelectronics, a fellow of Korean Vacuum Society, and  a  member  of  American  Vacuum  Society,  Korean Physical Society, and Korean Institute of Metals and Materials