The SETCOR Nano Materials for the Energy and the Environment, Nano MatEn 2015, conference topics include :
- Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Collection and Conversion
- Energy Storage, Batteries, Capacitors and Novel Generation
- Nanotechnology for Fossil Fuels and CO2
- NanoNuclear Materials
- Alloys, design and processing in Renewable Energy Technologies
- Bio Sources for Materials and Fuels
- Green Chemistry and Materials
- Water Technologies
- Smart Grid
- Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Thermal Energy
- Device Engineering, Physics and Chemistry
- Thin Films, Coatings and Surfaces
- Thermoelectrics, Piezoelectrics and photovoltaics
- Policy and Prospectives in Energy
- Mobile services and cloud applications to facilitate energy consumptions
- Automation and control technologies to support energy providers
- Software and hardware design for PV panels
- Mobile robotic systems based on renewable energy technologies